Å bygge demokrati gjennom teater

Å bygge demokrati gjennom teater

Vigdis Aune - Petro Van Vuuren - Paul Maja - Tshepang Moticoe - Nicolas Bongani Ngomane - Nondumiso Msimanga - Berit Rusten - Katja Lindeberg - Bjørn Rasmussen

Dette arrangementet er en formidling av “The Building Democracy through theatre project” – et samarbeid mellom  NTNU’s drama/teater-avdeling og “Drama for Life” fra Universitetet i  Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Sør Afrika. Kvelden vil inneholde en orientering, en kort performance av sør-afrikanske artister og en paneldebatt om teatrets rolle i demokratiet i dag.

19:30-20 – Velkommen og introduksjon. Vigdis Aune-NTNU & Petro Van Vuuren –Drama for Life, Wits

20:00-20:20 Performance (Paul Maja, Tshepang Moticoe and Nicolas Bongani Ngomane)

20.30-22:00 – Panelinnlegg og diskusjon: hvordan kan man bygge demokratiet gjennom teater? Hviilken verdi har teatret, og hva er utfordringene? Refleksjon over praksis og debatt

Panelists: Nondumiso Msimanga (South Africa), Berit Rusten (Norway), Katja Lindeberg (Norway), Paul Maja (South Africa). Moderator: Bjørn Rasmussen (NTNU)

This special event hosted by NTNU and Drama for Life is to celebrate and share the work of The Building Democracy through theatre project – a unique and groundbreaking collaboration between NTNU’s drama and theatre group and Drama for Life based at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. The evening will show case the innovative work of Norwegian and South African theatre practitioners. A short performance by South African Master’s exchange students will take place followed by a panel discussion highlighting the challenges and importance of working with drama and theatre that addresses questions of democracy in South Africa and Norway. The cover charge for this event (50kr) is to raise funds for the Masters students to support their three-month stay in Norway.

19:30-20 – Welcome. Introducing ‘Building Democracy through Theatre’ a NTNU and Drama for Life, Wits collaboration. (Vigdis Aune-NTNU & Petro Van Vuuren –Drama for Life, Wits)

20:00-20:20 Performance (Paul Maja, Tshepang Moticoe and Bongani Ngomane)

20.30-22:00 – Panel Discussion: “Building democracy through theatre? The value of theatre in current democracies’

Panelists: Nondumiso Msimanga (South Africa), Berit Rusten (Norway), Katja Lindeberg (Norway), Paul Maja (South Africa). Moderator: Bjørn Rasmussen (NTNU)

Photo credits: Drama For Life, Johannesburg



15. okt 2019


19.30 - 22.00


Litteraturhuset, Sellanraa

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