Bokbad med Elisabeth Åsbrink og panelsamtale

Bokbad med Elisabeth Åsbrink og panelsamtale

Elisabeth Åsbrink - Gabi Gleichman - Nina Grünfeld - Magne Raundalen - Sigmund Korn - Trond Åm

Bokbad med den svenske forfatteren Elisabeth Åsbrink samtaler med Gabi Gleichman om sitt forfatterskap. Med boken Fremdeles står trærne i Wienerwald vant Åsbrink Augustprisen for beste fagbok i 2011 og siden flere internasjonale priser.

Elisabeth Åsbrink setter seg deretter ned med et panel bestående av filmskaper Nina Grünfeld, psykolog Magne Raundalen og Sigmund Korn, som kom til det jødiske barnehjemmet Norge før krigen da han var 9 år. Det hele ledes av Trond Åm. Utgangspunktet for vår panelsamtale er barn og unge som ble sendt vekk fra sine hjemland for å få beskyttelse.

Vel møtt for noen innholdsrike times i Synagogen.

Billetter bokbad;
Billetter panelsamtale;

The Swedish author Elisabeth Åsbrink in conversation with Gabi Gleichman about her career as a writer. Her book And in Wienerwald the trees are still standing has won several international prizes, including the 2011 August-prize for Best Textbook. The story is about 13-year-old Otto, a Jewish boy sent from Austria to Sweden right before the outbreak of World War II. There he eventually becomes best friends with Ingvar Kamprad, the founder of IKEA. The book gives disturbing insight to the existing Nazism and anti-Jewish attitude in Swedish society during the war-years. In 2016, Elisabeth Åsbrink published a book about the year 1947.

The basis of our panel conversation/discussion are children and youngsters sent away from their home countries as a protective measure. This happened during the Second World War, and it is currently happening all over the world. We ask how children were received at their destination, how they managed and what late effects to expect in children and teens having been sent away by their parents due to war and prosecution. Can one draw parallels from the days of the Second World War to today?

In the panel: Author Elisabeth Åsbrink, film creator Nina Grünfeld, psychologist Magne Raudalen and Sigmund Korn, who was 9 years old when he arrived from Austria to the Jewish orphanage in Oslo before the war.

Panel conversation leadet by Trond Åm.


3. sep 2017


12.00 - 15.00


Trondheim Synagogue

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