Book release: Ane Hjort Guttu and Rike Frank

Book release: Ane Hjort Guttu and Rike Frank

Ane Hjort Guttu - Rike Frank

«I’d like to conclude by reminding you that I did not write this text. You could say that the real me is hidden behind the words, and you don’t really learn anything about me by listening to what I say. The one who wrote the text tried to figure out what someone who looks like me might say. But she doesn’t know me and she probably never will. If I had written the text myself, it would be very different. But the song I played was picked by me, (says her name).»

(Excerpt from ‘Script for the Short Film ‘Own Words’’, 2012)

In conjunction with the ongoing presentation of Adelita Husni-Bey’s work ‘The Reading’, Kunsthall Trondheim presents a book release with Ane Hjort Guttu and Rike Frank. This evening Ane Hjort Guttu will, amongst other things, discuss how she relates to pedagogy in her own artistic practice.

‘Writings, Conversations, Scripts’ is the first survey of text works by Ane Hjort Guttu. Written between 2003 and 2018, the texts range from public statements, poetic short prose, film scripts and reflections on the role of the artist to essays on art for children and the link between light and wealth.

The publication is edited by Rike Frank, designed by HIT and published by Torpedo Press, Sternberg Press and Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo.

The event will be held in English. Free admission for all on Tuesdays.

Ane Hjort Guttu (b. 1971) is a Norwegian artist and filmmaker based in Oslo. She works in a variety of media, but has in recent years mainly concentrated on film and video works, ranging from investigative documentary to poetic fiction. Among recurrent themes in her work are the relationship between freedom and power, economy and the public space, social change and limits of action. Guttu is also an active writer and curator, and she is a professor at the National Academy of the Arts, Oslo.

Rike Frank is a curator and writer based in Berlin and Oslo. She is currently Associate Professor of Exhibition Studies at the Academy of Fine Art of the Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO).


8. mai 2018


20.00 - 21.30


Kunsthall Trondheim

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