Breakfast seminar: How to make transparency possible?
Craig McKune - Daniela Quirós Lépiz - Mona Thowsen - Rebekka Ringholm - Aurora Nereid - Martin Giset
«How to make transparency possible? And what are the consequences if we don’t?»
PWYP Norway and co-hosts Fellesrådet for Afrika – Norwegian Council for Africa, SAIH and Attac Norge invite you to a breakfast seminar about financial transparency, tax justice and the consequences of ignoring these important issues.
Speakers include:
* International investigative journalists Craig McKune (South Africa) and Daniela Quirós Lépiz (Costa Rica/Burkina Faso) will present the findings in the new report «Piping Profits after Panama Papers – Probing the shadows»
* PWYP Norway, General Secretary Mona Thowsen:
«Extended Country by Country Reporting (ECBCR)»
* SAIH, Vice President Rebekka Ringholm:
«Tax justice and access to education for all»
* Norwegian Council for Africa, President Aurora Nereid:
«What is Norway’s role in the current debt crisis in Mozambique»
* Attac Norway, Vice Chair Martin Giset
«Tax haven free zones»
The seminar is free of charge.
Light breakfast is served from 08.30 am. Seminar will commence at 09.00 am.
Please sign up her:
8. nov 2019
8.30 - 11.00
Trondheim folkebibliotek, Magistratsalen