Discrimiligion: Christianity and Islam

Discrimiligion: Christianity and Islam

Marina Nemat - Olav Fykse Tveit - Ismail Cuneyt Guzey - Ulrika Mårtensson

Is religion discriminating? Does there exist discrimination within different religions? Is secularisation discriminative for religions? This plenary session will address the topic of religion and discrimination in and by different religions. The speakers will tell their own stories and experiences from different parts of the world and religions, and then take part in a discussion about this topic. To discuss and share their stories we have invited Marina Nemat (IR), a Christian refugee from the Iranian regime, Rev. Olav Fykse Tveit (NO), the General Secretary of the World Council of Churches, and Dr. Ismail Cuneyt Guzey (TR), Associate Professor of the Department of Neuroscience and Movement Science at NTNU and leader of the Muslim Society in Trondheim. And as moderator of the plenary session we have invited Professor Ulrika Mårtensson, professor of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at NTNU. The plenary session will be in English.

Host: ISFiT



14. feb 2017


19.00 - 21.00


Kulturtorget, Trondheim folkebibliotek

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