Meta.Morf 2022: Ecophilia konferanse – dag 1 / Ecophilia conference – day 1
Laura Beloff - Zane Cerpina - Jens Hauser - Timothy Morton - Marius Presterud - Stephanie Rothenberg - Stahl Stenslie - Thomas Thwaites
Denne konferansen handler om kjærlighet. Om vår kjærlighet til naturen. Men hva er egentlig natur? Bortsett fra noen oppdiktede økologiske drømmelandskap? Økologi kommer fra det greske Oikos, som betyr hjem. Men i denne tiden med menneskeskapte katastrofer, har hjemmet vårt blitt ugjenkjennelig og fremmed?
Dommedagsscenarioene og miljøapokalypsene har blitt ikoniske bilder av naturen i vår tid. Likevel lokker de samme dystre fremtidsvisjonene oss tilbake til naturen. Vi har dette medfødte ønsket om en naturlig tilstand. Som om vi trenger det grønne, frodige, fruktbare og romantiske portrettet av et tapt paradis. Et fantastisk sted vi en gang tilhørte.
Meta.Morf 2022 – Ecophilia-konferansen utforsker samtidige former og manifestasjoner av menneskets hengivenhet til naturen. Konferansen undersøker hva det vil si å være en ekte økofil – en ekte naturelsker – i vår verden preget av ny teknologi, miljøkatastrofer, bioteknologiske underverker og uskarpe skillelinjer mellom det fremstilte og det naturlige.
La oss trekke det grønne teppet til side og bli møkkete.
This conference is about love. About our love for nature. But what is nature really? Except for some made up ecological dreamscapes? Ecology comes from Greek Oikos, meaning home. But in this age of man-made catastrophes, has our home become unrecognizable and alien?
The doomsday scenarios and environmental apocalypses have become iconic images of nature today. Yet the same bleak visions of the future lure us back to nature. We have this innate desire for a natural condition. As if we need that green, lush, fertile and romantic portrait of a paradise lost. Some wonderful place we once belonged.
Meta.Morf 2022 – Ecophilia Conference explores contemporary forms and manifestations of human affection to nature. The conference investigates what it means to be a real ecophile – a true lover of nature – in our world marked by new technologies, environmental disasters, biotechnological wonders, and blurred borders between the made and the natural.
Let’s pull the green curtain away and get dirty.
Konferansedeltakere / Conference participants:
Stephanie Rothenberg’s [US] interdisciplinary art draws from digital culture, science and economics to explore symbiotic relationships between human designed systems and biological ecosystems.
– “Aquadisia: The Science of Sentience 2.0”
Thomas Thwaites [UK] is a designer interested in the social impacts of science and technology, as well as author of The Toaster Project, and GoatMan.
– “Goatman: How I tried and failed to take a holiday from being human”
(Keynote) Jens Hauser [DE/FR/DK] is a Paris and Copenhagen based media studies scholar and art curator focusing on the interactions between art and technology, trans-genre and hybrid aesthetics.
– “Towards a General Chlorophobia”
Marius Presterud [NO] works as both artist and group analytic art therapist in Oslo and Berlin. – “The self-hating nature lover”
Laura Beloff [FI] is an internationally acclaimed artist and researcher based in Finland.
– “The Dark Side of Evolution; On Ticks”
(Panel) Moderated by Stahl Stenslie [NO], an artist, curator and researcher, specializing in experimental art, embodied experiences and disruptive technologies.
(Video Keynote) Timothy Morton [US] is the author of Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World (Minnesota, 2013), The Ecological Thought (Harvard, 2010), Ecology without Nature (Harvard, 2007).
– “Let’s Make a Deal—with The Devil”
Ecophilia Conference is curated and moderated by Zane Cerpina [LV/NO], an author of the The Anthropocene Cookbook: Recipes and Opportunities for Future Catastrophes, forthcoming at MIT Press, October 2022.
Event details
Venue: Dokkhuset, Dokkparken 4
Door opens 09:30
The event will be in English.
Tickets: 50/100
Full program:
Trondheim International Biennale for Art and Technology
20. mai 2022
10.00 - 16.00