How will neuroscience influence the future of psychiatry?

How will neuroscience influence the future of psychiatry?

Nikolas Rose

The Centre for Digital Life Norway welcomes all interested to a public lecture on the role of neuroscience for the future of psychiatry by the prominent British sociologist Nikolas Rose. He will address questions such as: Where does the current scientific and popular attention to the human brain come from? Does it change how we understand ourselves? And where are the social sciences and humanities in all of this?

Nikolas Rose is Professor of Sociology at King’s College London. He has been highly influential in popularizing Michel Foucault’s thinking in social sciences.  Rose’s previous studies inquired into the history of medical knowledge, he then showed how genomics transforms societies, while recently turning to the study of neurosciences. Rose is also a Co-director of the Centre for Synthetic Biology and Innovation (CSynBI). He will give his Volterra Lecture with the title “The Future of Psychiatry: Neuroscience and the politics of mental health”. The lecture is followed by a public discussion.

Free entrance.


15. mai 2018


18.00 - 20.00


Litteraturhuset, Sellanraa

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