A conversation with Syrian author Suzanne Ibrahim
Suzanne Ibrahim
According to statistics, as of 2017, there are a total number of 20,823 Syrian immigrated to Norway. What has happened in Syria? What do we know? We have read a lot of news about this country in the media. The news about war, dictatorship, conflicts, and so on. But what about the people, their stories, their relationships, and their dreams? What about women, children, and their demands?
Suzanne Ibrahim is coming to Trondheim to share her stories with us in a feminist conversation. Suzanne is a well-known Syrian poet, journalist, and author. She has published four short stories collections and three poetry collections in Arabic and has written many articles on topics of culture, human relations, and women’s rights. One year after she arrived in Östersund as the city’s guest writer in ICORN’s network, she gave out her diary book, No Pigeons in the Sky of the City (Swedish name is: När vinden exploderar mot min hud: Dagbok från Damaskus, Teg Publishing. 2019.)
In her diary, we read: “I thought: We are living misguided paganism! Each Religious sect draws the shape of a single God, gives it a name, and interprets the Qur’an as it wishes. Pluralism is a natural trait, not monotheism! They demand political, economic, and cultural pluralism. How can we accomplish this in the light of religious monotheism, in which each side attacks the other side, and maybe this religious sect would grant someone forgiveness from its religious ivory tower, but not equality?”
This event is part of Human’s Right Week 2020 and a collaboration between Trondheim house of literature and Amnesty International Region Midt.
The conversation will be in English.
Free entrance
Photo credit: Sandra Lee Pettersson
Møt den kjente syriske forfatteren Suzanne Ibrahim!
I følge statistikken er det totalt 20 823 syrere som har immigrert til Norge siden 2017. Hva har skjedd i Syria? Hva vet vi om dette landet? Vi leser nyheter om situasjonen i Syria i media. Nyheter om krig, diktaturskap, konflikter, osv. Men hva med menneskene, historiene, forholdene deres og drømmene deres? Hva med kvinner, barn og deres rettighetsbehov?
Suzanne Ibrahim kommer til Trondheim for å dele historiene sine med oss i en feministisk samtale. Suzanne er en kjent syrisk poet, journalist og forfatter. Hun har utgitt fire novellesamlinger og tre diktsamlinger på arabisk og har skrevet mange artikler om kultur, menneskelige relasjoner og kvinners rettigheter. Ett år etter at hun ankom Östersund som byens fribyforfatter, ga hun ut dagboken sin, När vinden exploderar mot min hud : Dagbok från Damaskus (Teg Publishing. 2019).
I dagboken hennes leste vi: ”I thought: We are living a misguided paganism! Each Religious sect draws a shape of a single God, gives it a name, and interprets the Qur’an as it wishes. Pluralism is a natural trait, not monotheism! They demand political, economic, and cultural pluralism. How can we accomplish this in the light of religious monotheism, in which each side attacks the other side, and maybe this religious sect would grant someone forgiveness from its religious ivory tower, but not equality? «
Denne begivenheten er en del av Menneskerettighetsuka 2020 og skjer i samarbeid mellom Litteraturhuset i Trondheim og Amnesty International Region Midt.
Samtalen vil foregå på engelsk.
Gratis inngang
Foto: Sandra Lee Pettersson
6. mar 2020
19.00 - 21.00
Litteraturhuset, Sellanraa