North meets South – Playback Theatre Performance

North meets South – Playback Theatre Performance

Playback Theatre is a unique form of improvisational theatre. You as the audience make a performance come to life as you share moments and stories from your everyday world. The Playback Theatre ensemble listens deeply to what you have to tell and through the magic of playback theatre plays these glimpses of life back in different ways through music and dramatic rituals.

The end of the performance is a woven tapestry of real life tales that reflect what it is to be human. This performance will be inviting stories of, spoken and unspokenidentities from North to South.

The performance is a unique collaboration between Drama for Life playback performers from South Africa and Norwegian and Swedish Playback performers from Skandinavisk Playbackteater Studio as part of the Building Democracy through Theatre Project. It is an inspired collaboration between the Drama and Theatre section at NTNU and Drama for Life, The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa and Skandinavisk Playbackteater Studio.

Entrance from Hovedbiblioteket, Kongens gate. Doors open at 18.30.

Tickets: 120/80 (reduced rate for students)


2. nov 2018


19.00 - 20.30


Trondheim folkebibliotek, Magistratsalen

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