Poetry night

Poetry night

Gabriela A. Arciniegas

The project «Literature for Inclusion» -Litteraturhuset i Trondheim – is pleased to host a special edition of Poesikveld-Poetry Night. This time we will have Gabriela A. Arciniegas (Colombia/Chile) as a guest poet.

Gabriela is a writer, poet, essayist, translator, illustrator. She belongs to the 95th generation of Colombian poetry and to the “00” generation of Latin American narrative. Her work is being studied at various universities in the USA and Italy and also in schools and universities in Colombia.

Her poetry and narrative have won various honorable mentions, finalist prices and first prices in both national and international literary contests.

NOTE: As usual, EVERYONE is welcome to read/sing/perform poems. You can do so in any language you prefer to use! You are also welcome just to listen as well.

This poetic event is a collaboration between Litteraturhuset i Trondheim and Poesikveld-Poetry Nights Trondheim.

Free entrance.


16. aug 2018


19.00 - 21.00


Litteraturhuset, Sellanraa

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