Poetry without Borders: A poetry reading by Julia Fiedorczuk

Poetry without Borders: A poetry reading by Julia Fiedorczuk

Julia Fiedorczuk - Hanna Musiol - Gulabuddin Sukhanwar

Literature for Inclusion at Litteraturhuset i Trondheim is delighted to invite you to a Poetry without Borders webinar meeting with an award-winning poet, novelist, essayist, translator, and an ecocriticism scholar, Julia Fiedorczuk. Fiedorczuk the winner of the Wisława Szymborska Prize, Poland’s most prestigious prize for poetry.

The event is free and free registration is here: https://NTNU.zoom.us/…/register/WN_YCluRVLcRh2hc-d7p3AiFQ

On May 13 (7.00 CET), Fiedorczuk will read her poems in Polish, English, and Norwegian, and talk about ekopoetyka / ecopoetics. The reading will be followed by a Q & A with Hanna Musiol (Associate Professor of Literature, ISL/NTNU), Gulabuddin Sukhanwar, the founder of Literature for Inclusion, Julia Wiedlocha, the Norwegian translator of Fiedorczuk’s poetry, and the public.

Julia Fiedorczuk is a writer, poet, translator, researcher, and practitioner of ecocriticism, emphasizing the world-making power of literature. The significant issue in her works is the relationship between human beings and their planetary environment. She is affiliated with the Institute of English Studies at Warsaw University.

Julia Fiedorczuk released short stories collections: “Poranek Marii” (“Maria’s Morning”), “Bliskie kraje” (“Close countries”), novels: “Biała Ofelia” (“White Ophelia”), “Nieważkość” (“Weightlessness”; nominated for the Nike Literary Award) and “Pod Słońcem” (“Under the Sun”) as well as six poetry volumes. The latest of those, “Psalmy” (“Psalms”) was awarded the Wisława Szymborska Prize, Poland’s most prestigious prize for Poetry. She publishes essays as well, including “Cyborg w ogrodzie. Wprowadzenie do ekokrytyki” (Cyborg in the garden. Introduction to ecocriticism) and “Ecopoetics” (in collaboration with the Mexican poet Gerardo Beltrán).

Julia Fiedorczuk created the program of the School of Ecopoetics at Warsaw’s Institute of Reportage. Julia Fiedorczuk publishes widely in popular media, including “Zadra”, “Literatura na świecie”,
“Dwutygodnik”, “Tygodnik Powszechny”, “Pismo”, „Przekrój” and monthly magazine “Znak”. She is a columnist of the most popular Polish weekly, “Polityka”. Her writings have translated into over 20 languages. The event is supported by Poetry without Borders, part of the Literature for Inclusion initiative led by Gulabuddin Sukhanwar in collaboration with Hanna Musiol, Associate Professor of English at NTNU and NTNU’s research project TransLit: Sustainable Ethics, Affects, and Pedagogies led by Associate Professor of Literature in English, Libe García Zarranz.

The event will run on Zoom & registration is free but required. The program will also be broadcasted live on our Facebook page.

Photo: Albert Zawada


13. mai 2021


19.00 - 20.00



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