Queer & Polish – in Norway

Queer & Polish – in Norway

Igor Devold - Gabriela Warden - Sławomir Piotr Sternik - Miśka Marczak

In the beginning of August, Polish police struck down hard on queer protestors and their friends for demanding the release and fair treatment of non-binary activist Margot Szutowicz. This is the last development in a long line of political events restricting the Polish population – queer and straight. How does it feel to be Polish and observe this violence from Norway?

Polish-Norwegian documentarist Igor Devold leads this conversation with Polish queer people living in Norway – Gabriela Warden, Sławomir Piotr Sternik and Miśka Marczak.

You can register for the event through our registration portal here: https://events.trondheimpride.no/. Write down or memorize your ticket code, as you will have to present it to enter the event. Additionally, we want to encourage you to show solidarity as we have limited capacity at all our events due to infection prevention measures. Do not register for more than a couple of events initially, but rather sign up for events if you see that there are tickets left right before the event starts. Please cancel your ticket if you find out that you are not able to attend the event.

Sellanraa is wheelchair and electrical wheelchair friendly.

Trondheim Pride combats all types of discrimination and oppression, remember this when you enter our events to contribute to this being a safe experience for all. Do not assume anyones gender or pronouns, and be mindful of what words that you use to address others. Sexism, transphobia, racism and harassment in all their shapes and forms results in exclusion from Pride’s events.

Na początku sierpnia polska policja odpowiedziała przemocą na protesty aktywistów LGBT+ domagających się uwolnienia i sprawiedliwości dla niebinarnej aktywistki Margot Szutowicz. To wydarzenie jest efektem długotrwałych działań polityków mających na celu dehumanizację osób LGBT+ żyjących w Polsce. Jak to jest być Polakiem i obserwować wydarzenia ostatnich miesięcy, mieszkając w Norwegii? Reżyser pochodzenia polsko-norweskiego, Igor Devold, poprowadzi tę rozmowę z Polakami LGBT+: Gabi Warden, Miśką Marczak i Sławomir Piotr Sternik. Rozmowa ta będzie przeprowadzana w języku angielskim.


9. sep 2020


19.30 - 21.00


Litteraturhuset, Sellanraa

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