Steve Keen: Why Norway will join The Walking Dead of Debt

Steve Keen: Why Norway will join The Walking Dead of Debt

Steve Keen

Den verdenskjente opposisjonelle professor Steve Keen* (Kingston University, London) kommer til Litteraturhuset i Trondhem. Han vil blant annet snakke om den farlige gjeldseksplosjonen knytta til det norske boligmarkedet, og hvordan mainstream økonomisk teori har ignorert oppbygging av gjeld, med katastrofale følger.

Hans sammendrag av foredraget:

Why Norway will join the Walking Dead of Debt

Norway is one of a number of countries that didn’t experience a serious crisis in 2008. Though it has a strong manufacturing sector and oil revenues, Norway’s means of evading the crisis was similar to the others: it borrowed its way out of trouble. Now it is likely to join those other countries as it becomes yet another wealthy country crushed by excessive private debt. Economic theory has led the world’s economies into this trap by its deliberate ignorance about the role of money in a capitalist economy, and its insistence upon an outmoded equilibrium method of analysing the complex dynamic economy in which we actually live.

Dr. Keen er kanskje mest kjent fordi han er en av få ledende økonomer som forutså verdens finansielle krise før 2008.

Om Steve Keen her:

Arrangører er Litteraturhuset, Rethinking Economics Trondheim, og Inst. for teknisk kybernetikk, NTNU.

Sted: Rådhussalen
Gratis inngang


16. jun 2017


18.30 - 20.00


Rådhussalen, Trondheim folkebibliotek

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