Tekna Ung: Breakfast meeting – Technology and ethics

Tekna Ung: Breakfast meeting – Technology and ethics

Frokostmøte/Breakfast meeting – will be held in English

NB: Sign up on Tekna´s pages in link

How do we face the ethical issues that arise with new technology, and promote a safe future?

Development of technology has taken up a high pace. New processes, methods and gadgets are presented each day. Big data, artificial intelligence and smart sensors are part of almost any product now.

The regulatory processes that shall assure safe devices and systems – are they able to keep up with the pace of technological development?

How do engineers, software developers, researchers and companies work to assure that the systems are safe, so that users, life, the environment, and property are protected from harm?

Should there be a set of ethical guidelines to guide the technological development?

Join us at Litteraturhuset this morning for some reflection. Breakfast and coffee will be served.


9. mai 2019


8.00 - 10.00


Trondheim folkebibliotek, Magistratsalen

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