Poetry without Borders: A Poetry Reading by Anzhelina Polonskaya

Literature for Inclusion (Trondheim) is delighted to invite you to a Poetry without Borders webinar with an award-winning poet, Anzhelina Polonskaya. Polonskaya has published 11 poetry collections and her work has also been translated into Dutch, Slovenian, Latvian, Spanish, English, and other languages and was published in many of the world’s leading poetry journals, including World Literature Today and Poetry Review, and The American Poetry Review.

The event is free & registration is here: 


On June 17th (18.00 CET), Anzhelina will read her poems in Russian and English, and talk about her poetry, translation, and literature. The reading will be followed by a Q & A with Libe García Zarranz (Associate Professor of Literature in English in the Dept. of Teacher Education at NTNU), Gulabuddin Sukhanwar, (Literature for Inclusion at The House of Literature) and the public.

Anzhelina Polonskaya is an internationally renowned poet. Born in Malakhovka, a small town near Moscow, she published her first book of verse My Heavenly Torch in 1993; this was followed in 1998 by a second volume, entitled Verses, and in 1999 by The Sky in a Private’s Eye. In 2002, another book of poetry, A Voice, was published in Moscow, and in 2004. The English translation of this work was shortlisted for the 2005 Corneliu Popescu Prize for European Poetry in Translation.

In 2011, the “Oratorio-Requiem” Kursk, whose libretto consists of ten of Polonskaya’s poems, was debuted at the Melbourne Arts Festival. In 2013, Paul Klee’s Boat, a bilingual edition of Polonskaya’s recent poems, was published and shortlisted for the 2014 Best Translated Book Award and the PEN Award for Poetry in Translation.

The event is supported by Poetry without Borders, part of the Literature for Inclusion initiative led by Gulabuddin Sukhanwar in collaboration with Hanna Musiol, Associate Professor of English at NTNU and NTNU’s research project TransLit: Sustainable Ethics, Affects, and Pedagogies led by Associate Professor of Literature in English, Libe García Zarranz.

The event will run on Zoom & registration is free but required. The program will also be broadcasted live on our Facebook page.

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